Our Senior Center opens at 9am and closes at 1pm. We can drive you in ... stay for a nutritious lunch, and and fun activities. Call 314.352.0141 to reserve a ride, or for more information.
Play games, enjoy planned parties, learn from guest speakers, chit chat, relax and laugh.
With friends to motivate you, excuses fly out the window. We offer fun, low impact exercises and brain stimulating activities that will lower your fall risk, keep your arthritis and blood oxygen levels in check and increase your cognitive skills.
We invite you to casually hang out with friends, catch up over cards and coffee, or a fun game of billiards, and if the weather is fine, a ...
All week we offer fun low impact exercises and brain stimulating activities.
Additional exercise available is WII, a walking trail, and balan...
In this time slot we schedule guest speakers and entertainment such as a visit from the zoo with furry friends, and sometimes a quick trip t...
We invite you to lunch with us. Several choices are available for your selection. A requested donation of $2 each meal helps support our co...
Offering a variety of senior friendly activities - varies weekly.
Participants gather their belongings and prepare for our van drivers to take them home for the day. While waiting for the vehicles to arrive...