Usually held on the 3rd Friday in February, our Trivia Night social event fundraiser is a crazy fun night of showing off what you know. If you are a trivia fanatic you wont want to miss this fun evening ... a night full of interesting facts and an open bar.
The original fundraiser for City Seniors Inc. (then Bevo 2001) became the St. Louis tradition which is now fondly remembered as Bevo Day.
City Seniors is an Equal Opportunity Employer 314.352.0141
Now hiring
Administrative Assistant 314.352.0141
The position may be financed (in part) (wholly) through an allocation of CDGB funds from the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development and CDA
Pantry Hours:
M/T/TH 10 am-11 am ________
Please Bring with you:
Picture ID
SS Card all family members
Proof of Address
Proof of Income
If you are interested in volunteering, please call:314.352.0141
"City Seniors has been transporting me to the grocery store for years. I am so lucky to have found them." Linda R
Food justice is an important part of community justice. We accept donations from local businesses, churches and individuals and use them to fight hunger. Help us connect with donors and people in need.
Make checks payable to:
City Seniors, Inc.
Mail to: 4705 Ridgewood Ave. St. Louis, MO 63116
To Drop Off Donations:
Please call in advance to arrange your delivery time.
Excited to report 2025 support from the Charless Foundation
We are thankful for St. Louis Area Agency on Aging for 2025 funding support
"City Seniors picks me up and brings me to their senior center every day. I really enjoy getting out of the house and spending the day with friends" Kathy D
Incorporated in 1972 as a not for profit organization under 501(c)3, our founding fathers consisted of businesspersons from the Gravois Business Association who named the organization Bevo 2001. The organization has evolved as often as its name. While proud of our neighborhood roots and name(s) Bevo, Bevo 2001, Bevo Organization, Bevo Center, and Bevo Community Improvement Corporation; in 2012 the Board of Directors voted to change the name once again, this time to City Seniors, Inc., a name that better reflects the services and people we currently serve. City Seniors has streamlined its mission to focus on serving the senior population in the south St. Louis area with transportation, home-delivered meals, a senior center and a neighborhood food pantry.
Our programs and services are funded in part through grants and donations from:
The St. Louis Area Agency on Aging through a federal grant by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, under the provision of Title III, Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, and/or funding of the Social Services Block Grant (Title XX of the Social Security Act)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Community Development Administration
Missouri Department of Transportation
Senior Fund - City of St. Louis
The US Department of Energy
Sisters of St. Joseph Carondelet
Charless Foundation, a component fund of the St. Louis Community Foundation
St Louis Office For Developmental Disability Resources
The St. Louis Area FoodBank
Feed My People
City Seniors, Inc. began as a neighborhood organization/community center that provided a place for neighborhood groups to meet, youth summer work programs, a housing corporation and a neighborhood watch program. When the St Louis Public Library closed the Long School Branch in 1987 City Seniors Inc. (Bevo 2001) convinced the library to donate the books to the Bevo Long School and City Seniors, Inc. (Bevo 2001) maintained the library for 15 additional years.
Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to help link the people providing services with the people who need them. Come and connect with people in new meaningful ways.
Our amazing team of regular and part-time volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!